Reconstructions and Operational Improvements

We have broad experience supplying within plant brownfields including new equipment integration into the existing system. We supply an existing power and heating plants with retrofits, modernizations or single equipment service. We especially assist with boiler rehabilitations, performance enhancement or operational characteristic improvements including fuel modifications and/or emission control.
Complete boiler rehabilitation, performance enhancement or operational characteristic improvement of existing equipment is integral part of UNIS Power service portfolio - we make boilers more environmental friendly and increase plant flexibility and/or availability. We offer excellent competence in reduction of NOx emissions with state-of-the-art solutions of primary emissions control measures (fuel preparation, burners, OFA systems etc.).
  • Complete boiler rehabilitations
  • Performance enhancement of an existing equipment; efficiency and/or operational characteristics improvement
  • Existing fuel modifications and/or alternative fuel co-firing
  • Reduction of original equipment emissions
    • by primary measures (low-emission burners, combustion air staging and complex modernization of fuel preparation  system)
    • by secondary measures (SCR or SNCR)
  • Repairs/exchange of damaged parts or parts at the end of service life